Writing and edits and werewolves, oh my!

It’s been a long week, and it’s going to be an even longer one this week. A lot has been going on behind the scenes back here. I’ve been partnered up with another author, Ryan Kells, on a Paranormal Romantic Erotica entitled ‘I Am The Alpha’ and at this point we are a little half way through writing the story.

Let me tell you, Ryan is an amazing writer, and writing this with them has been an absolute blast. I can’t wait to put the finishing polish on this first draft and get it through rewrites and phase one editing. We’re pushing hard to have this first draft finished this week, and let me tell you, at the rate we’ve been going, it’s totally doable.

A lot of you read and love my characters in the SHMC series, but let me tell you, I am completely, madly and deeply in love with William and Chloe from I Am The Alpha. I dream about these two when I sleep. That kind of in love. Ryan has created some amazing characters and an amazing world in which they live. The world of William’s pack is rich with it’s own lore and history and customs and way of doing things and I am both honored and really excited that Ryan has allowed me to enter that world and write in it and expand it. It’s been such a great experience we have been laying down the framework for a book two and will likely get started on it as soon as I Am The Alpha is in edits.

Seriously, if you have a taste for PNR and like my style, I really hope you give this project a chance. It is going to be a full length book, topping out at probably 90-100k words, just like my SHMC books and there will be a lot more information coming out about it in the very near future. We don’t want to wait. As soon as it goes into edits we will probably set a date for it to go live, and along with that, start giving you guys glimpses into William and Chloe’s world leading up to that release date.

Speaking of glimpses into worlds, tomorrow is a big day for you Sacred Hearts fans! Fractured & Formidable not only goes up for preorder, but also, it’s cover is revealed and along with that a great big, super special announcement about this book, book five in the SHMC series. I’m so excited for that I can hardly contain myself! But I have to, and it’s really, really hard. Fractured & Formidable just went into it’s final stages of edits on Saturday so it will be ready by release, which is still a bit of a ways off. So definitely go poking around blogs (this one here will have it!)  and Facebook tomorrow to find out what’s up!

In the meantime, while I wait for Ryan to finish the next chapter of IATA, I figured I would try to catch up on some things. One of them being letting you guys know why I’ve been so quiet. Now you know. Between releasing Tattered & Torn, getting the cover reveal and announcement ready for Fractured & Formidable, editing Fractured & Formidable, writing I Am The Alpha and getting things pulled in and lined up for editing, cover art, media packages, teasers, trailers and everything that goes along with releasing a new book… Yeah. I’ve been buried. Not to mention while coordinating and arranging all of that with my Street Team, I was also trying to edit the book that comes after Fractured & Formidable and was trying to go back and give Shattered & Scarred a good scrubbing (because lets face it, it has errors and is in need of some love,) I about had a brain melt down.

I needed to reprioritize in a big way and so I did. Fractured & Formidable, I Am The Alpha took top spot interchangeably. Now it’s all about I Am The Alpha until it’s finished and the AG Project which will be on deck and starting sometime next week along with author Jeffrey Cook.

Slow down?



Love you guys lots, hang in there with me I am about to take you on some seriously wild rides!


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