Release Blitz! When Clubs Collide an MC Crossover Anthology


When Clubs Collide Anthology Release Blitz

If you enjoy hot, tattooed bikers and the women they love, you’ll want this anthology on your reading list. Some of your favorite MC authors have teamed up and now these bad boy bikers are helping to raise money for End Rape On Campus.

Harley McRide and Carson Mackenzie
Geri Glenn and Kathleen Kelly
GM Scherbert and B.B. Blaque
Erin M Trejo and AJ Downey
Ariel Marie and Jacqueline M Sinclair
Liberty Parker Author and Vera Quinn
Kathryn Kelly and Emma James
Shelly Morgan and Avelyn Paige

With eight stories, bringing sixteen clubs together, you know there’s going to be some unstoppable action and sexy drama when these Clubs Collide.

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Bound by Moon- Harley McRide & Carson Mackenzie

The Ops Warriors need help, and Black Hawk answers the call. But help comes with a cost as the Ops say goodbye to one of their own.

Korrupted Angels- Geri Glenn & Kathleen Kelly

The Grinders are playing Sturgis during their ever famous Motorcycle Rally and the Ol’ Ladies of the Kings of Korruption are dying to go. Add in the Savage Angels, a vicious attack and one broken King and you have yourself a recipe for one gripping love story between two unlikely lovers.

Pain and Pleasure


The Masters M.C have a visit from the the Devil’s Iron MC during Bike-Week.The Whipping Post dungeon sets the stage for both pain and pleasure.

Will the women get their fill of pleasure or pain? Or pleasure from pain?

Past The Vapor- AJ Downey & Erin Trejo

Sacred Hearts MC. Black Diamond MC.
We collided as clubs in order to make things happen but it was our hearts and bodies that told our stories. We may take what we want from each other but we both walked away knowing ourselves more than we had to begin with.

Friend or Foe- Ariel Marie & Jacqueline M. Sinclair

Two dangerous clubs will need to learn to work together as danger blows into town. Ant will do anything to save Morgan. The humans have no idea of the trouble that lies in store for them.

Collision Course- Liberty Parker & Vera Quinn

The Rage Ryders MC and BlackPath MC are brought together in a Collision Course to destiny. Two separate clubs fighting to keep their territories and families safe while building a future.

The Enforcers’ Revenge by Emma James and Kathryn Kelly

When a lunch date ends badly for Pearllene and Miss Catherine, the enforcer for the Death Dwellers, Mortician, and Edge, the enforcer for the Soulless Bastards, must form an alliance to save them.

The mother*fuckers who dared to mess with what is theirs, need to be taught some respect .

Revenge is everything it’s cracked up to be.

Blood For Blood- Avelyn Paige & Shelly Morgan

The Devil’s Crew is out for blood when Kane’s sister is kidnapped.
The Heaven’s Rejects are preparing for war when another club invade their territory.
Can both clubs put rivalries aside and unite to take down a common enemy?

About the Authors:

AJ Downey

A.J. Downey is the internationally bestselling author of The Sacred Hearts Motorcycle Club romance series. She is a born and raised Seattle, WA Native. Finds inspiration from her surroundings, through the people she meets, and likely as a byproduct of way too much caffeine.

She has lived many places and done many things though mostly through her own imagination… An avid reader all of her life it’s now her turn to try and give back a little, entertaining as she has been entertained. She lives in a small apartment in a small neighborhood with a larger than life fiancé and two cats.

Ariel Marie

Ariel Marie is an author who loves the paranormal, action and hot steamy romance. She combines all three in each and every one of her stories. For as long as she can remember, she has loved vampires, shifters and every creature you can think of. This even rolls over into her favorite movies! She love a good action packed thriller! Throw a touch of the supernatural world in it and she’s hooked!

She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where she currently resides with her husband and three beautiful children.

Avelyn Paige

Avelyn Paige is a born and raised Indiana girl. While she may be a Hoosier by birth, she is a Boilermaker by choice. Boiler Up! She resides in a sleepy little town in Indiana with her husband and three crazy pets. Avelyn spends her days working as a cancer research scientist and her nights sipping moonshine while writing and book reviewing. Avelyn loves everything paranormal, Cajun culture, and wants to try tornado chasing as a hobby when she finally grows up. She just has to get over that pesky fear of thunderstorms first.

Avelyn also enjoys collecting voodoo dolls from her trips to New Orleans.

B.B. Blaque

I write beautifully flawed characters who ultimately find, perfection is not a prerequisite. Our flaws are what make us unique and some flaws compliment each other better than others.
I love BDSM (Male dominant/female submissive.) There’s something that just feels so right about a man wearing the pants (especially when he wears them well and fills them nicely.) I am interested in the psychological aspects of relationships in general and especially when there is a power-exchange dynamic.
My world would stopping revolving if not for heavy rock music (and the wonderfully talented people who make it.) Music and it’s makers will definitely be strongly visible in my work. I listen, I remember…I listen, I’m inspired…to write…to love…to f**k…to live.

Carson Mackenzie

Carson lives in the South with her two sons, her three Great Danes, and the adopted shelter dog that keeps everyone in line. Books have always been a part of her life. Nothing is better to Carson than curling up and relaxing with a good story by losing herself in someone else’s world while leaving hers behind.

Writing stories and growing as an author with each book published, is a goal Carson wishes to reach. Her aspiration is to have a reader know when they see her name on a cover, they can trust in the fact there will be a good story as they flip the pages.

As an author, she hopes to bring you into her different worlds, giving you a chance to escape everyday responsibilities if only for a few hours.

Emma James

Emma loves writing hearts and flowers romance as much as she loves taking a walk on the dark side, writing in both contemporary romance and dark suspense. Love is always only a happily-ever-after away, even if sometimes it is a little twisted getting there. She lives life positively with writing, reading, music, and photography being her passions.

The important things she needs to surround herself with are family, friends, and furry creatures. She loves giving hugs as much as receiving them and winding down with good food, good friends, and a nice drink of the alcoholic variety when she pops her head out of her writing cave.

Be who you want to be and keep jumping those hurdles. They are only put in front of us to keep us on our toes.

Peace, love and live life.


Emma James

Erin Trejo

I am a wife, mother, child chauffeur and author. I love being able to create different characters and spin a web that makes them come together in the end. My books do not stick to just one genre, they span many.

I write about things that are real life situations and fairy tales are not always smooth sailing. My MC books are hard and gritty and they have struggles just like you would in life.

I also have books that are not so in your face. There are several that are good love stories that are fraught with issues that the characters have to deal with.

Geri Glenn

Geri Glenn is the Amazon best-selling author of the Kings of Korruption MC series. She lives in beautiful New Brunswick, Canada and is a mom to two beautiful, but slightly crazy little girls. Geri has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. She can usually be found curled up in a comfy chair, reading on her iPad both day and night. Geri is an incurable night owl, and it’s not uncommon for her to still be awake, reading at 4 am, just because she can’t put the book down.

Geri loves all genres of fiction, but her passion is anything romantic or terrifying; basically anything that can get her heart pumping. This passion has bled out onto her laptop, and became the Kings of Korruption.

Writing the first book in the series knocked off the #1 thing on Geri’s bucket list, and publishing it has been an absolute dream come true. She hopes you all love the Kings as much as she does.

GM Scherbert

Author GM Scherbert was born on a brisk late April morning. She grew up in a small town in the Midwest but, quickly decided that was not the life for her. She quickly moved away for college and thought better of returning to that small town on a long term basis. City living is the life for her.

Her day job working with people on the Autism spectrum keeps her on the go most of the time. That is when her two small daughters and husband are not pulling her in different direction.

Author GM Scherbert is the kind of gal who is quirky, unique, smutty, hard to hate, harder to love. She has taken her love for telling stories to the next level by putting her hat in the romance writing game. If you are interested in romance with twists and some darker themes Author GM Scherbert will be right up your alley.

Harley McRide

There is nothing better in this world than being an author! I have an amazing supportive family, I have three children, one boy and two girls. They are the lights of my life along with my husband whom I adore. Without their support I would not have become a writer!

Jacqueline M. Sinclair

Jacqueline grew up in the rural southeast and is the youngest child of a large and rowdy family. Reading was an escape when there wasn’t much else around to do. She loves everything from classical literature to true crime and everything in between. With her two children grown and gone, she’s surrounded by a menagerie of adopted pets and a two-legged thief who refused to give her heart back after a night of karaoke.

With a day job and a dream job, her writing is a steamy combination of real life and seeking to answer the age-old question of what would happen if…and then characters come along and completely derail the plan. Letting them have their say provides plenty of sleepless nights and an endless combination of coffee and wine, but she hopes you enjoy their stories.

Kathleen Kelly

Kathleen Kelly was born in Penrith, NSW, Australia. When she was four her family moved to Brisbane, QLD, Australia. Although born in NSW she considers herself a QUEENSLANDER!!

She married her childhood sweetheart and they live in Toowoomba with their two furry kids. A British Short Hair named Grace and a Burmese named Jack.

Kathleen enjoys writing contemporary, romance novels with a little bit of erotica. She draws her inspiration from family, friends and the people around her. She can often be found in cafes writing and observing the locals.

If you have any questions about her novels or would like to ask Kathleen a question she can be contacted via e-mail: or she can be found on Facebook. She loves to be contacted by those that love her books.

Kat Kelly

Kat Kelly is living her dream and writing books. She’s always been an avid reader and still devours books in her spare time. She also enjoys football, socializing, music, eating, and jokes. In her head, she’s the ultimate biker babe. In reality, she’s an ordinary girl-next-door and a native New Orleanian. Since the release of Misled in December 2013, she’s been living her dream of writing books. In August 2015, her life took a dramatic turn with the diagnosis of Stage 2B HER2 Positive Breast Cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy, lymph node removal, and breast reconstruction in February 2016. The support of her family, friends, and fans helped her to stay strong and keep her head up. #F*ckCancer became her rallying cry. Now located in the Houston area, she is once again cancer free. Her hair is growing back and her nails are returning to normal. Currently, she is plotting her next book.

Liberty Parker

I have been an avid reader for most of my life. When I was younger I use to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for my grandmother. As I got older I took the jobs needed for raising my boys as a single mom until I met my now amazing husband. I have stopped working in the last three years and started promoting authors, then I blogged and reviewed for authors, which lead me down the path to writing and creating characters and stories. I love creating behind the scenes with my writing getting to use my imagination and write the story as it comes to me.I am loving the people I am meeting and the support system I have found.

Shelly Morgan

I grew up in a small town in Iowa. I have 2 older sisters and amazing parents. Growing up, I was always a daddy’s girl, hanging out with him in the garage, fishing, and building stuff. I loved to play softball and swimming, but reading, telling stories, and writing were my passion, even at a young age. I took a break from writing for a while, but you could always find me with a book in my hand.

I have three children – two boys and a girl. They are my whole world. Even when I’m having the worst day ever, they brighten up my day and make me smile.

A few years ago, there was this story that would always play out in my head and no matter how many times I went through it, from beginning to end, it would never fade. So I decided to put it on paper. I didn’t plan on publishing it, but when it was almost done, a friend asked to read it. She said it was a story that needed to be shared. And that’s what started my writing career.

I love all genres of books, and even though I started with writing MC Romance, I have a whole book of ideas, so you can expect more from me than just MC, though romance is in my blood.

Even though I currently work two jobs, my ultimate dream is to become a full time author. I want to be able to spend my days filling pages with stories. I want to be the reason people find a reason to smile or laugh from lines on a page. Reading a book allows me to live in someone else’s shoes, even if only for a few minutes. It’s a way to leave my life and troubles behind and I want to be help others do that as well.

Vera Quinn

I have always been an avid reader and have had an active imagination. When my sister became sick in 2015 I spent alot of time in doctor offices and hospital rooms. I filled that time reading. My kindle and laptop became my goid friends. I started writing storylines and doing background research.
My sister convinced me to follow my dream so I did and the rest is history.
My sister passed in Febuary 2016 and I published my first book, Never Forever, in March 2016.
I say I am learning as I go and that is true. I’ve been lucky to make good friends in the indie book community and I work with some of the best. I don’t know what is next but I am excited to meet it head on.
I have been married to my husband, Charles, for 22 years and he is my rock. I have two grown son.

One thought on “Release Blitz! When Clubs Collide an MC Crossover Anthology

  1. wow what a fine collection of writers in this group.. As my pay day gets nearer I plan on putting this book ( When Clubs Collide) in my cart. I cant wait to get into what sounds like an an amazing read..

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