It’s been a hell of a roller coaster in A.J. land in the last week or two. I’ve been getting ready for this surgery tomorrow, getting a lot of things wrapped up ‘just in case.’
I’d rather be prepared for my family’s sake than not, so I made sure to make changes to things, contact people to handle this that or the other, and get things all wrapped up before I go under the knife. Still, when you think you have everything done, life has a way of cropping up with more shit for you to do.
This time, it was actually kind of nice.
Anyway, here is a little list of what I’ve gotten done in the last two days:
- The first draft was done on His Wild Blue Rose – Indigo Knights Book 4
- Beta and rewrites were completed on His Wild Blue Rose
- His Wild Blue Rose was sent to final editing
- His Wild Blue Rose was put up for preorder on all platforms. (Get it here.)
- Masked & Miserable was put up on all platforms.
- Tattered & Torn was put up on all platforms.
- Plans were made for Worst Case Scenario (here on out referred to as WCS) for July’s Readers & Writers Seattle event.
- Plans were made for WCS for the rest of my books to make it onto all platforms.
- Outlines were written for WCS for an author friend of mine, Eric Plume, to write Dragon’s book for you guys in case I can’t.
- A Dropbox file was shared with the world delineating the harassment I’ve been enduring since December of 2016.
Now that last one was a surprise even for me, and I hope it helps the other people he’s been harassing and makes it into the hands of law enforcement. So, as you can see, the title of this blog means a few things. I’ve run out of time to do a giant write up putting context to a lot of those screenshots for people and he’s run out of time to do this to any more people. Folks are standing up, speaking out and saying no more silence, it’s time to get loud, stay loud, and keep this from happening to anyone else.
I wish I had more time and energy to focus on fighting the good fight on that front but my time is up, too. I go in for surgery tomorrow and I need to focus my energy on making it out okay and healing up fast. I need to focus my energy on not being stressed out and following through on the following plans:
- Making sure the weekend of July 13th through the 15th goes off without a hitch for so many people.
- Writing A Brother’s Salvation (Dragon’s Book)
- Writing the rest of the eight planned books for the Indigo Knights.
- Writing the two to three spin-off Indigo City romances.
- Writing Stoker’s Serenity and having a visit down with the Kraken MC
- Working on some PNR’s for my other pen name.
- Getting the rest of my back catalog up on all platforms.
- Getting the rest of my back catalog produced for audiobook editions.
- Spending time with the people who care about me the most.
- Focusing on the daily task of improving my mental and emotional health so I don’t wind up back in the hospital like I did last September from Douche Canoe’s bullshit.
As you can see, I have a lot to do. Too much to do to give up now, and I plan on getting it all done. WCS is the only thing that could stop me. I wish I had the time to devote to the fight, but there’s only so much I can do in a day and with the mountain of never-ending book work in front of me, on top of healing from surgery – well. I need to do a little prioritizing and right now, Dick Cheese falls to the bottom of that list.
I’m rambling, but at least you all know what I’ve been doing, what I am doing, and why I haven’t had the time to be as vocal as some.
Wish me luck tomorrow. I check in at 10:30 am, it’s supposed to be a four to six hour long surgery, and then I go home. Nuts, right? I go home the same day. That weirds me out more than a little. Then it’s a week waiting on pathology to tell me if I need more surgery and to spend a week radioactive or if I’m good.
I’ll hopefully feel up to getting online tomorrow evening and at least let you know if I lived or not. If you don’t hear from me by the middle of next week, well, then you have your answer. Although, I’m sure Ricco or my PA Mary will have let you all know about WCS long before then.
See you on the other side of this thing. If not, it’s been amazing having the opportunity to write my stories for you. I love you all.