We’re going to talk about the part of writing a book series no one really tells you about before you do this stupid shit thing and become an author.
Now, you all know that the SHMC and the Sacred Brotherhood are essentially one series. We are officially at thirteen books and one novella, so fourteen books into this series that I have been writing since 2014.
2014, y’all.
I have been through some shit with these boys. Four long years of hard slog through happiness, through tears, through maddening disagreements, angst, drama, and wanting nothing but the best for these boys… especially for one.
Now I’m finally here and I’m telling you. This is the hardest book I have ever had to write.
It’s killing me. It’s ripping my guts out, causing me to burst into random, uncontrollable sobbing, making me ache and turning me into the moodiest bitch. Seriously – I don’t know if I am gonna make it out of this one unscathed. My roommate and my fiance would probably like to smoother my ass with a pillow in my sleep by now, but I digress…
This shit ain’t easy and I don’t know that I can do it. There aren’t many of you that have read me from the beginning, as in picked up Shattered & Scarred when it was brand new and the only book out.
This is probably the loneliest I’ve ever felt as an author and it’s taking an ugly toll on my mental and emotional health. I know you want this book. I understand you’re dying for it, but please be patient with me because I am pretty sure it’s somehow killing me to write it. This isn’t easy this time around. I’m struggling and I promise, as soon as I have a release date, I will share it.
I have to set some boundaries, unfortunately. I don’t mind people politely asking me questions in PM. I had a lovely lady ask very politely about a release date last night, apologizing the entire time for bothering me, which she wasn’t.
I am totally okay with that.
I’m not okay with anyone telling me to hurry my ass up. I’m not a machine (and Dragon says ‘fuck you, yah uppity cunt.’ His words, and not going to lie, mine too.) This is four long years of my life I am trying to bring to a satisfying conclusion. That’s not easy. Goodbyes never are.
I don’t have a release date. I never do until a book comes out of editing. This one has around 30k to go before it can even head to editing. Sorry ladies, there won’t even be a beta process for this one, and you know I don’t do ARC’s very often. I’ve been trying to loosen up on that, but not with this one.
You’ll get it as soon as I can get it to you. I promise you that. So, can you all cut me some slack, please? Just a little, just this once. I’m trying to breathe through the pain of bringing this entire thing to a close.
So..I came across your books from my fav authors I have on Facebook like Kristen Ashley, Liberty Parker, Winter Travers (She is hilarious), Erin Osbourne, etc. I have to say you are one of these authors to me (favorite). Just finished reading Zeb and Tiff’s story, which is the last book on the Sacred series so far. I see that you will be ending it with Dragon’s story going by this last blog on your site.
I just wanted to let you know as a new reader to your books and a new fan, that your writing is amazing. You have your own style and that can not be compared. I can tell by your writing that you write from your heart (not that others don’t), and it shows into every character. I love that your books even as a bikers world, it speaks of so many problems in the world. I love the background and the darkness of each character, but it has strength, love, hope, passion, empathy, and so much more. I have cried so much with your books. I go through and emotional roller coaster with each book. I LOVE the authors mentioned above and so many authors I missed to mention, but YOU are just incredible. Never have I felt so much love, hate, sadness, and happiness when I read a book or series. As incredible as my top 10 authors are, your writing touches me in a new level. Case in point. Blue, Hayley and Cell’s story. I don’t have time to explain how I felt because it will be too long, but I can say I hated Cell and couldn’t understand how it was going to end for all three because of how he was. But it is mind blowing how much I disliked him at every angle, but it took ONE LAST THOUGH t and ONE LAST SENTENCE before he passed for me to fall in love with him. I cried for him and missed him! That can only be accomplished by amazing writing!
Okay. So what I am trying to say in all this is don’t change your ways when you feel a little stressed or agitated with some readers, especially when it comes to a release of a book. I would prefer for you to write and give it all YOUR best in wrapping up such an INCREDIBLE series than slum it because of some pressure. GREATNESS CAN NOT BE RUSHED!! With that said, I am sure you know in the end all your readers love you and are just excited to read your next words. I can already tell that this will be as hard for you to sum up the history of the Sacred Brothers as it will be for all those devotional readers. Congrats and I am sure you will write an amazing and hearfelt story for Dragon, which I consider the creator to Sacred family.
Much Love,
Being an avid reader that loves all of the stuff you’ve written so far, I feel like I should apologize for the rude bitches that treat you like a story machine. I’m not going to say that I haven’t been impatiently rude in my head when I’m waiting for the next book in series that I love, but I would never actually say the mean things that go through my head. I’m pretty sure it’s called “being an adult” and having a filter. You should get an assistant to go through your social media and weed out all of the rude comments. You don’t need that kind of aggravation. You work at whatever speed works for you. Personally, I’d rather have a good story slow than a shitty story fast.
Hello, I just have one question pls, I fell in love with a Brotherhood Sacred Hearts books, but I would like to know which Sacred hearts are the first ones the I should start reading so I could find out about everyone and the Sacred Hearts Club, please of anyone could answer me this or send me an email to cruznancy34@yahoo.com. Thank you so much.
Hi Nancy,
The reading order can be discerned by publication date, but to answer your question:
Shattered & Scarred
Broken & Burned
Cracked & Crushed
Masked & Miserable
Tattered & Torn
Fractured & Formidable
Damaged & Dangerous
Cutters Hope
Marlin’s Faith
Charity For Nothing
Brother to Brother
Her Brother’s Keeper
Brother in Arms
Between Brothers
A Brother’s Secret
A Brother At My Back
A Brother’s Salvation
I hope this answers your question fully, feel free to comment or message any time! You can also reach me by email at aj@ajdowney.com
Thank you so much for your reply A.J.Downey, I got the list of the SH book’s thank you so much again.