What. A. Ride.

It’s the end of the year. No, really. It’s the end of the line for 2014 in like eight hours from my little part of the world. For some of you it’s already 2015 but I can’t let this amazing year go out without saying some very important words to some very important people.

Linda Russell – You got me started on this crazy ride when I handed you the first few pages of my stupid little story and you said, “Write more. I want to see where this goes.” Thank you for the encouragement. Because off you I had the courage to hit the publish button on my first novel and, well, domino effect. For sure.

Tracie Warren – For picking up the torch and fucking running with it like a madwoman. Mostly for editing all of my stories and being my personal one woman cheer squad, therapist, sounding board and for every other thing you do because let’s face it, they are just too numerous to list all of them here. Thank you. I love you with all my butt. I would say heart but my butt is way bigger.

Clarissa Yeo – For all of the fantastic cover art, for branching out into new arenas and creating the logo for the SHMC even though you really, really didn’t want to. You put up with my particulars, let me swamp you with work and you keep taking on more and more stuff for me despite how crazy busy you are. Thank you for sticking with my crazy.

Liar Reese – For formatting my SHMC books for print but more importantly for not being afraid to point out flaws and ship them back to me until I get them right before you put them in to print. For the business cards, teaching me new tech and being patient through the gazillion questions I level at you just about every day of the week. Rock on sister. Rock on. Thank you so much for all of the last minute this that and the other and for keeping up with it all.

Michelle Bigioni Slagan – For scheduling shit for me so I can keep writing. You have no idea how much weight you slid off my shoulders by leading the charge on creating a street team and by taking on answering messages and talking to blogs and all manner of rather important stuff so that I can be anti-social and keep my fingers on the keys. Thanks for that in a big damned way.

Jennifer Mitsada – Holy shit. Where do I start? You jumped into the street team with both feet, went nuts making all manner of teasers and shouting my name from the rooftops and now you’re my golden beta reader. I don’t even… Yeah. Words. I has none. Thank you so, so much for all of your hard work and enthusiasm.

Paula Simoes Batista – For your amazing book trailers and for bringing Reaver and Hayden to life. More importantly for being willing to do it again for Squick. Thank you.

For the rest of the enterprising women of A.J.’s Sacred Circle, my street team – Sherelle, Melanie, Hossler, Jaclyn, Deanna, and if I’ve missed your name please, please, please don’t be mad at me! There’s like 15 of you and some of you are really, really quiet! I THANK YOU. For all of your enthusiasm and plotting and planning and helping me do good things.

2015 is looking to be a very bright year for all of us!

Finally, to all of my readers. For buying the books, for liking the books and for sticking with the series even when it gets dark and more than slightly out side your comfort zones. Thank you for reading, thank you for buying and thank you for making my dream of becoming a real life author a reality in the year 2014 and in in the upcoming year of 2015. I’m looking forward to continuing this crazy ride with all of you with more books, more novellas and for taking you on some other adventures a little less MC and a little more fantastical in the coming year.

Much love, and a safe and happy New Year,

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