Questions in reviews…

Got my drink on last night, the dust is settling from T&T’s release, a lot of people are done with it already which makes me go O_O but I guess I really shouldn’t be so surprised about that.
I read every single one of my reviews and I see questions come up in them quite a bit. The question / hope this morning was that Dragon would find someone…

Here’s the thing about Dragon. I asked him about it and the answer to the question was a big fat resounding ‘NO’. He’s not going to move on from Tilly, period. While he’s okay with me telling his and Tilly’s story. He is not okay, and never will be okay with any kind of unsettling notion of ‘moving on’ from her. She was his end all of be all’s and there is nothing and no one who will ever compare to her. According to him:

“I may fuck a stripper every now and again to take care of my physical needs, but there’s no taking care of my heart. Only reason I’m still standing is my boy and my club. Some day soon, maybe because my daughter-in-law and some grand kids. That is, if my idiot son would get his head out of his ass and put a ring on that girl’s finger already.”

So no. Dragon won’t be getting his own book any time soon. Not for any new kind of love. “My heart died the moment my wife’s stopped. Now that’s the end of it.”

I hear you Dragon, I hear you loud and clear. Some pain is forever and Tilly Draven is his cross to bear. His illegal dealings got her killed, almost got his boy killed and he really doesn’t want to talk about it or relive it any time soon. That is what it is. Dragon is the SHMC’s eternal tragedy and he is okay with that. Now I’m going to pass him the tequila and let him get his dick sucked by a stripper from Sugar’s and hopefully, the hurt will die down some for him. (I feel bad I had to drag it up for him now. 🙁 )

I’ll try and give answers to these when I come across them, and you can always feel free to leave any questions you have about the series either here or on my author page or, if you find it, my FB fan group… Never thought I’d ever have one of those.


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